May 18, 2017
SED Turbine
May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
SED Turbine
May 18, 2017
PROJECT: Erie County Sewer District No. 3 – Rush Creek Interceptor, Blasdell Milestrip Wet Weather Relief Pumping Station & Force Main
Project Details:
Owner – Erie County DEP
Contract Value – $6.6 Million
Year – 2015 – 2017
Scope – Prime General Contractor to provide measures in eliminating sewerage overflows into nearby water ways as well as eliminate an existing aging waste water treatment facility including
- Mass excavation including shoring for new cast in place concrete wet weather relief pump station to a depth of 31’ below grade including portable pumps.
- Approximately 2800 LF of 24” PVC underground force main from wet weather relief structure to existing Southtowns WWTP including air release and drainage structures
- Approximately 4300 LF of 8” through 30” PVC underground gravity sewer including 32 manholes 48” through 98” diameter at depths from 5’ below grade to 30’ including rock excavation
- Creek crossings for new force main and gravity sewers
- Total of three 48” diameter case bores beneath roadways at depths of 10’+ for new 24” force main, longest case bore was 335 LF
- Total of Six 48” diameter case bores beneath roadways and railroads at depths of 20’+ below grade for new 24” & 27” gravity sewer, longest gravity bore was 312 LF crossing two railroads
- Site modifications and upgrades including abandonment of existing pump station operations then converting building to house new SCADA system and provide electric to sluice gate motors and existing pump station
- Demolition of two eliminated pump stations no longer requiring service
- Asphalt milling and paving of disturbed roadways within construction limits